Protecting the Rights of Vaccine Injury Victims

Vitiligo is a long-term skin disease characterized by a growing loss of melanin in patches of skin, resulting in white-colored hair and skin in various areas of the body. Although it is more noticeable on darker skin, vitiligo affects all individuals of any ethnicity and skin tone. It is a rare condition, affecting roughly 2.8 million individuals in the United States. While it may affect anyone, it most commonly appears before 20 years of age.

Those affected by vitiligo may experience:

  • Inflammation of ears and eyes

  • Hearing loss

  • Vision loss

  • Bodily, head, and facial hair prematurely turning gray or white

  • Retinal eye color change

  • Color loss on skin or in the nose and mouth

  • Higher susceptibility to sunburn

  • Increased likelihood of having another autoimmune disease

Legal remedies exist for those who have developed vitiligo due to vaccination. With over 10 years of history in helping Americans file claims with the Vaccine Injury Compensation program, The Greenwood Law Firm can help you explore your options facing any harm this may have caused you or your loved ones.

Were You Injured During a Vaccination?

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What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin condition wherein antigen-specific T cells target and destroy melanocytes, causing loss of pigmentation and color in the skin. Melanocytes are the cells in our skin whose function is to produce melanin, protecting us from excessive ultraviolet light exposure and adding darkness and color to our skin, eyes, and hair. The destruction of those cells not only changes our appearance but also creates disproportionate levels of sensitivity and dysfunction in our sensory skills. This may hinder individuals’ attempts at completing everyday tasks due to impaired eyesight, hearing, and feeling. Although it is a rare disease, the various symptoms tied to vitiligo make it a potentially devastating condition for those affected.

Treatment for Vitiligo

Unfortunately, vitiligo has no known cure. However, treating symptoms may be possible through medicine and lifestyle modifications. These forms of management but are not limited to the following:

  • Topical vitamin D analogs

  • Using drugs that control inflammation, such as applying corticosteroid cream to affected skin areas.

  • Medications that affect the immune system

  • Surgical modification (skin grafting, tattooing, skin grafting)

  • Pigment removal from unaffected skin

  • Light therapy

Vitiligo is a condition with a detrimental impact on many individuals’ lives, meaning that treatment is a vital step to provide patients control over its scope of harm. Lack of treatment may allow levels of sensory dysfunction and pigment abnormality to increase, creating significant obstacles in the day-to-day lives of those affected.

Can a Vaccine Cause Vitiligo?

Numerous accredited studies suggest that, while there is no definitive basis for declaring that vaccination causes vitiligo, there is a likelihood of a potential association between vaccination and vitiligo in rare instances due to factors such as vaccine-induced skin trauma and local inflammatory response to vaccination.

Furthermore, if you or any loved ones have been vaccinated and experience any of the symptoms listed, please contact The Greenwood Law Firm to evaluate your grounds for a claim through a free consultation with our legal team.